Friday, November 1, 2013

work letter to self 11/01/13

Positive aspects
1.       Look at this food.  And juice.  Free.  Amazing.  Wonderful!
2.       Nice conversation w j. in the elevator (he trusts you!)
3.       EP trusts you already/ having you help him w stuff
4.       Have a friend at the desk (B!!)
5.       Cute outfit today
6.       It’s Friday!
7.       The holidays are coming up
8.       Good hair day

What I’d like more of:
1.       More fun
2.       More excitement
3.       More magic
4.       More money
5.       More joy
6.       More connection
7.       More love
8.       More fun
9.       More freedom
10.   More acknowledgement
11.   More appreciation
12.   More sexual chemistry
13.   More openness
14.   Less jealousy
15.   More self-knowledge
16.   Less ungratitude

17.   More gratitude